7 Facts About Me
Today, I thought that I would tell you some random facts about myself. At first I couldn't decide how many to do, then I decided to do seven, since it is the perfect number :) So, here you go, seven random facts about yours truly: I LOVE soundtracks!! Lord of the rings, How to train your dragon, Avengers etc. The new Cinderella has quickly become a favorite. It's so beautiful and magical! I have a ridiculous fear of sharks and sea serpents in lakes, ponds and pools. My favourite Austen hero is Mr. Tilney. He is friendly, funny and forgiving. In 2010 we went to Costa Rica, and there I was stung my a scorpion! Thankfully, it was not poisonous. My favourite book of the Bible is Psalms. It's so poetic! I have been wearing glasses since I was five, because of a lazy right eye. I can see fine without them now, though I still wear them most of the time. I love coffee crisp chocolate bars!! Hope you enjoyed this! ~CH~